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The Document Scanner For Your App

We show you how to activate it in your app and what you can use it for

Meri Jomardyan avatar
Verfasst von Meri Jomardyan
Vor über einer Woche aktualisiert

Whether it's an invoice, a salary slip or a tradesman's checklist: with the document scanner, your app users can capture important documents and send them directly via the app to selected email recipients.

Where can I find and set up the document scanner?

You can add the document scanner to your app under Modules or My modules -> +Add module -> INFORMATION > Document scanner.


The document scanner allows you to create email distribution lists in two ways:

  • Allow app users to create custom lists

  • Allow app users to see email addresses included in recipients lists

  • Send scanned document in e-mail's attachment

The first tab SETTINGS

Under Settings you first determine whether your app users can create their own distribution lists and whether they are also allowed to view the e-mail addresses of the recipients.

CUSTOM LISTS SETTINGS (if Allow app users to create custom lists is selected)

If you want your app users to be able to create their own lists, you can set the following in the first step:

Standard subject for custom lists created by users

For the email distribution lists you can define a standardised subject line and personalise it by clicking on the plus sign with profile fields, e.g. name. In this case: New document sent by [Name].


Here you can add their e-mail addresses by clicking on the button +Add email (if there are only a handful of recipients) or you can upload a large distribution list by clicking on the link Upload CSV file. Your users can use these email addresses to create their own distribution lists.

The second tab RECIPIENTS LIST

In this overview, you as the app owner can create and manage your own email distribution lists, which your app users can use to send their documents and papers.

Click on the button Create recipient list to create a new list.


Give your list a name, e.g. Accounting.

Incoming Messages Subject

Here you can also enter a standardised subject line and personalise it with information from the app profile, e.g. New accounting documents from [Name]. The [Name] stands here as a representative profile field.


Upload the email addresses for the accounting distribution list either by clicking on the Upload CSV file link (for larger lists) or by clicking on the +Add email button (for smaller lists).

Quick send

A Quick send option is added to the document scanner's home screen. App users do not have to click on the SCAN DOCUMENT button first, but can IMMEDIATELY scan, photograph their document or browse recent used documents by clicking on the Accounting list.

If you have set everything to your satisfaction, please confirm with Save.

What happens when app users scan a document?


By clicking on this button, your app users can either browse their image gallery, browse their recent used documents or take a photo. Now they can crop the photo individually. Once this is done, they can either click +Add document to load another document into the app or choose from the list of recipients to receive the document.

In this overview, they can also create a new recipient list by clicking on the selected list (if this is noted in the settings) in order to send the document they have just taken also to them.

App users have sent documents

The documents are sent as PDF documents to the previously defined e-mail distribution lists. The corresponding contact person receives an email. The PDF document is attached to the email or can be accessed via a link.


If you are testing the document scanner on a PC or Mac (via the app preview), clicking on SCAN DOCUMENT or Quick Send will open Windows Explorer or Apple Finder to upload and send a document.

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