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App Submission to the Google Play Store
App Submission to the Google Play Store

A guide on how to successfully submit your Android app to Google

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Vor über 2 Jahren aktualisiert

1. The Google Play Store

Apps that run under the Android operating system are found in the Google Play Store. There are around 3 million apps in the Google Play Store, making it superior to the Apple App Store in terms of volume. Globally, the Android system is also more widespread than the iOS system, with around 70% of users on the platform.

2. Google Developer Account

In order to submit your app to the Google Play Store, a so-called developer account is required. You have to set this up yourself via Google. The developer account has a one-time cost of $25. Once you have created the account, there are still a few steps that need to be taken in the app dashboard (where you create your app) before your app can be submitted.

For creating a Google Developer Account, there is a separate support article that walks you through the process step-by-step.

3. Google Play Store Invitation

To submit your app to the Google Play Store, please send us an invitation to your Google Developer account with administrator rights.

To do this, proceed as follows:

Log into the Google Play Developer Console: https://play.google.com/console/signup

In the console, click on Users and permissions and Invite new users, which you can find under the three dots icon on the right.

Enter the following e-mail address: ays.invitation@gmail.com, select the Admin role under Account permissions and click on the button Invite user.

Note: This email address is for our direct customers only. For resellers, we create individual Google accounts so that each reseller is assigned their own Google email address to invite.

4. Service account and JSON file

Log into the Google Play Developer Console, click on Settings -> Developer account -> API access and Choose a project to link.

Agree to the Terms of Service and click on Create new project and Link project.

Click on the grey button Create new service account.

In the new window, click on Go to the Google Cloud Platform. DO NOT click on Done!

Change to the new tab, agree to the Google Cloud Platform Terms of Service and click on + CREATE SERVICE ACCOUNT.

Enter the service account name. It will only be visible in your console. You can optionally add a description for the service account. Then click on the button Create.

Find the Service Accounts in the right column and choose the Service Account User role. Then click on Continue and Done.

Click on the three dots icon under Actions on the right to create a key.

Check JSON and click on Create. Save the generated JSON file on your computer.

Go back to the previous website and click the Done button in the Create Service Account pop-up window.

You are now in API access, where you allow access to the newly created service account (by clicking Grant Access).

You can invite users by clicking on the appropriate button. All permissions have already been granted.

Almost done! All you have to do is now upload the generated JSON file to the dashboard and provide app store data. For doing so go to PUBLISH -> Android -> APP DATA and upload the file at JSON file by clicking the button Choose file.

5. Provide Submission Data

After you have done all the required information and steps for your Google Developer Account and Service Account, it is now necessary to provide some information about your app in the Dashboard. This so-called submission data is necessary for the publication of your app and will also appear in the App Store.

To do this, navigate to PUBLISH -> Android in the Dashboard and click on App Data.

The following information is required:


Define here to which category your app belongs. Your app will be displayed in this category when users search for it.

Short description

Think of this more as a small introductory text so that app users are motivated to learn more about your app. You can use up to 80 characters here. By tapping on the text, the long description can be viewed by users.

Google Play Login Email

Enter the email address you used to register in the Google Play Store.

JSON file

Upload here the JSON file of your app that you have already generated.

Feature graphic

This graphic will be displayed directly on the app page (where your app is presented) in the store. The dimensions for this graphic are 1024 x 500 px.

First name

Enter your full first name.

Last Name

Enter your full last name.


Enter the name of the person or organization that owns the exclusive rights to the app and the year the rights were obtained.


Your email address for contact and support requests.

Support URL

Your website for contact and support requests.


Describe your app in more detail here in unformatted body text. You have up to 4000 characters at your disposal. Then click on the Save button.

6. Additional information about the app (for Google Play Store listing)

In addition to the information required in the dashboard, there is other information you must provide about your app.

Artwork aka App Icon

You can store the artwork aka App Icon under MY APP -> Design -> GRAPHICS -> App Icon. It will be displayed at the top of the Google Play listing. This graphic has to be created in 512 x 512 px. The maximum file size must not exceed 1024 KB.

App Name

You can enter the app name under MY APP -> Design. The name of your app appears directly under the app icon in the store. The name is limited to 12 characters. More characters will result in the name being truncated or displayed with ellipses (...). Just like in the Apple App Store, you should avoid this.


Use screenshots to showcase your app and its functionality. Our submission tool automatically generates screenshots of the first modules of your app. Google allows up to 10 screenshots (1080 x 1920 px). The graphics can be either in JPEG or 24-bit PNG format.

7. Reasons for rejection on the part of Google

You cannot start the submission to the Google Play Store if not all required information is available under PUBLISH -> Status -> App Store Checklist. The checklist shows you whether all required items or content have been provided for your Android app, e.g. privacy policy, required number of modules or app icon.

Other reasons for rejection?

Even though the checklist is green-lit and ready to start the submission process, we would like to draw your attention to a few more issues that may lead to rejection:

Corona or Covid-19 app?

Google does not allow content about corona virus to be distributed via apps. Only the official apps are allowed to provide information about covid-19. You can find more information about this here: https://support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer/answer/9889712?hl

You can of course inform if your opening hours or upcoming events have to be changed or postponed due to the virus, but pure reporting on Covid-19 is not possible and will lead to the rejection of the app.

Modules offer no added value or little interaction

Put yourself in the position of your app users. No one wants an app that offers them nothing. So make sure that it provides added value for the user in terms of content and also offers interaction options, e.g. through an online store or a form.

Before submission: App must be completely ready!

Make sure that the content of your app is up-to-date before submission. Therefore, do not use placeholder texts, e.g. Lorem ipsum, of which you only want to replace the content later. Test content and entries in modules (This one is a text module!) are not allowed, as they do not add any value to the app user.

No references to Google

Do not place any references to Google in the app, e.g. the logo. Neither in a module, nor on the home page of your app. You do have the option to include the Google Play Store logo on your website (for promoting your app), but Google should not be displayed in the app.

Pornographic content

Pornographic content in apps that serve sexual gratification is not supported by Google and those apps will be rejected.


Any depiction of glorified violence towards humans or animals, whether in text or video form, is strictly rejected by Google.

Tobacco and Alcohol

Apps that intend to sell tobacco or alcohol or promote the illegal as well as inappropriate use of tobacco or alcohol will not be submitted.

More information on Google's policy can be found here:

In conclusion

We hope this detailed guide helps and supports you in successfully submitting your Android app to the Google Play Store. Of course, if you have any questions, you can always contact our support team via phone, chat or email.

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